Catching Trade Winds

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. -Mark Twain

I am EXHAUSTED! Today was my travel day to Pittsburgh. I didn’t sleep at all last night and then got to Bradley International Airport for my 6 AM flight. I had a short layover at Dulles and then arrived in Pittsburgh. (Both planes were those little tiny ones that you have to walk outside to get on. I think this was also my first time on a propeller plane). Everything went smoothly for the most part. As I was walking up to baggage claim my bag was coming out right in front of me. Then I headed to the shuttle that would take me to the University. I found it without a problem and only had to wait a couple of minutes for the next shuttle. The driver dropped me off at Panther Central where I checked in and got my student ID.

Now here’s the part of my trip that was a bit of a challenge. I had to walk from where I checked in to Pennsylvania Hall where I am living. It’s not a long walk, but it seemed like it took an eternity. Let me back up a little. I am at last minute packer. Since I was flying I had a lot off stuff to fit into one suitcase. So yesterday my mom and I went out and bought the biggest suitcase I could find. At 2 AM when I had finally finished packing, I was lying in bed worry that my bag would not meet the 50 pound weight limit. So I went through it again pulling things out and hoping it wouldn’t be too heavy. Alas, when we got to the airport my bag was about 7 pounds over. I did not want to be that person franticly going through their luggage while holding up the line. I was that person. Because, you see, I also did not want to pay $100 for 7 pounds. I stuffed my hairdryer and my laptop charger into my already loaded backpack and sent my mom back with my shampoo and some clothes. In the end my bag was 50.5 pounds. I wish I were a light packer. I like the concept, it just never seems to work out that way.

Anyway, after figuring out where my dorm was I started to drag my 50 pound suitcase, backpack, and violin through Oakland and up the mammoth hill to my dorm. I don’t know what was worse the hills, the multiple flights of stairs, or the heat. I think I’m going to be sore tomorrow, but I made it! My calf muscle are going to be huge after six weeks of walking up this hill.

Alrighty, enough complaining. I am so excited to be living in Pittsburgh! I have never spent a considerable amount of time in a city and I think now is the perfect time. I can’t wait to start my Estonian class tomorrow too! I found out this week that I am going to take classes in Viljandi after all (I will give more details soon). Which means I really have to work hard since I will be studying at the graduate level in Estonian. Tomorrow morning starts off with orientation for the Summer Language Institute. I had my two weeks sitting at home after graduation now it’s time to start doing and start living. No regrets!